Growing up I had never imagined that I would pursue myself into the world of modeling and pageantry. My life at the time had revolved around playing outside in the pouring rain with the other neighborhood children and hiking through the muddy woods. Our intentions were always to build the coolest fort and to create the biggest game of manhunt as we possibly could! Our summer days would be filled with every possible sport you could think of as well as other activities ranging all the way from Capture the Flag, completely covering the parking lot with chalk pictures and games like Hopscotch, to having brownie mix fights (don't ask lol).
As I got older and came to my last year of middle school, my close friends tried convincing me to open myself up and try out modeling (which I decided to take them up on). Miraculously, that was when I received my first letter in the mail about signing up for the Miss NH Teen USA Pageant. My mom and I kept it in mind so that when I reached the age of 14 (the youngest age to participate at) I could send in an application. Little did I know that it was the beginning of a new love of mine and that it eventually would become something I couldn't live without!
This is me at my first pageant for Miss NH Teen USA held in 2012
I can not express the beautiful changes this type of world has handed to me. I had competed in the Miss NH Teen USA Pageant for 3 years (2 of them with my best friend) before I actually received the title my senior year of high school, but I could not be anymore happy that it took so long. Those 3 years were learning experiences for me and each year I could set a higher goal to attain. Participating in these pageants have shaped me into a better person and have molded me into a young, maturing woman. I have learned more about myself in these 3 years than I have in my entire life. I now understand the importance of kindness and returning help throughout the community more clear than ever. We are all on this Earth together for a reason, and we were ment to come together!
Posing at my 2nd pageant for Miss NH Teen USA held in 2013
I strongly recommend to anyone to break out of your shell, and try something new (like pageantry) and you will honestly discover some new (and beautiful) things about yourself that you didn't before along with meeting some of the most amazing people you could imagine :)
This is my winning moment at my 3rd and final pageant for Miss NH Teen USA :) 2014
Your new teen title holder,
Mikaela Seamans - Miss New Hampshire Teen USA 2014 :)